Video completed: JVC’s 40-year history in Cambodia

[Original by Mariko OMURA, Cambodia Project (September 18, 2021); Translated by J. Tsuchiya/M. Olagoke]

Hello. I am Omura, in charge of the Cambodia Project. A video that summarizes the 40-year history of JVC’s activities in Cambodia has now been completed, thanks to our volunteers!

We could successfully cover the production expenses (¥ 1,627,280) through donations from many people, which was more than what we had expected. All the production committee members truly appreciate your support. We were encouraged enormously by the amount of money and felt sympathy from many people. Thank you very much indeed.

The excess budget is intended for producing an English version, Khmer version, and a DVD (with a pamphlet) of the video. After completing the video, we wanted to set up a special screening (either face-to-face or online), and we thought about using the remaining money to rent a place. However, as we are still under Coronavirus restrictions, we would like to do this much later in the future. We will let you know how we use the rest of the money.

We were able to complete this video thanks to many people who donated money, sent us precious photos and videos, as well as many of those who did interviews, including Mr. Hiroki Suzuki (Pol Sothy), who talked about his life in the refugee camp. First, we tried to make this video within about 20 minutes in length, but it was impossible to summarize the history of 40 years in that length. We could only manage it within 30 minutes. We would be happy if you like it, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and share it!

Please enjoy the video until the end-roll. After the frame at 24 min 16 sec, we have placed as many pictures as possible of those who helped us. If you watch the video again, you can enjoy watching them one by one by pausing the images!

Production committee members:



Toshihiro SHIMIZU

Tomonori SHIMODA

Mariko OMURA

* Any inquiry about the video should be sent to:

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