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JVCイラク事業チーム補佐 中野 恵美
2018年6月18日 更新










The Current situation in Kirkuk

INSAN is dedicated to spread social and cultural awareness in the Iraqi Society, and to promote a culture of Peace Building, Human Rights and Fair Participation. INSAN aims at relieving the suffering and empowering Iraqi people, in particular vulnerable persons and victims of conflict, especially women and internally displaced persons. INSAN is one of the most active NGOs in Kirkuk Governorate, working to enhance community cohesion and establish a peaceful co-existence among diverse community backgrounds.

In October of 2017, the Iraqi central government has break-out the constitution and the laws of not using forces against their population. Although, Kurdish Peshmergah forces didn't face the army in order not get in struggle or battle in order to save the civilian lives.

This situation led to displace thousands of Kurds and non-Arabs to the neighbor governorates such as; Sulaimaniyah and Erbil. The Iraqi central government has changed the administration directorates including the security forces and police station administration. They established a new rule in the governorate seeking to push out all Kurdistan Region Governorate (KRG) authorities and administrations including NGOs who were working in the governorate serving diverse community.

Deteriorating to the security situation, many local organizations couldn't be able to work in the governorate because of the new rules, where the central government and the new local authority didn't permit them to work, since they just have a registration certificate of KRG, also the other decisions which were issued by the Kirkuk Provincial Council which states to prevent the organizations who have KRG certificate. Recently, all those organizations can't execute and conduct any activities or events, also the current conflict between Baghdad and Erbil has affected the peaceful co-existence between the diverse community backgrounds and the tenses has spread among the ethnicities in the city.

INSAN Iraqi Society as local organization registered in the central government is allowed to work in Kirkuk. This situation is pushing us to raise our efforts to sustain peaceful co-existence and create the spirit of brotherhood again in the governorate. in particular Kirkuk's children needs more support and efforts to reach community cohesion and peaceful co-existence through the activities of the Peace Yard.

INSAN organization seeks the support of the international community to obtain a better life for the children and enhance peace-building. We need Japanese friends support to survive our children and to prevent the increase of the conflicts in order not to turn into violence.

Aari Jabari



1972年バグダッド出身。大学院でコンピュータサイエンスを学んだあと、 バグダッドで国際NGOの職員として働く。2005年、友人たちと共にINSAN-Iraqi Society(インサーン)を設立、主にキルクークにて、住民間の緊張緩和と平和醸成のための活動および国内避難民支援に従事。