About the film
The serious health problems caused by genetically modified (GM) foods are now occurring in the US population. In this film, facts are clarified by the testimonies and scientific evidence from medical scientists, researchers involved in government’s food safety supervision, parents of children suffering from autism and allergies, veterinarians dealing with livestock health disorders and so on. Produced and directed by Jeffrey M. Smith, the internationally renowned expert on GM issues, this film questions the concerned genetically modified organisms (GMO) safety issue, initiates discussions, and contributes greatly to the non-GMO movement in the US. As a major GMO importer from the US, Japan is closely connected to this issue. What should we do first to ensure our family’s health and get back food to our hands? What kind of changes should society make regarding the food system? Let’s think and act together through the film.
Title: Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of our Lives
Director: Jeffrey M. Smith
Release Date: August 2012
Country: USA
Duration: 85 min
Language: English with Japanese subtitle
Date | 10 May, 2018 |
Time | 19:00-21:00 (the venue will open 20 minutes before the screening) |
Place | Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC)(日本国際ボランティアセンター) |
Address | 6F Creative One Akihabara Building, Ueno 5-3-4, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0005 (〒110-0005 東京都台東区上野5-3-4 クリエイティブOne 秋葉原ビル6F) |
Fee | 500 yen |
Capacity | 20 persons |
Access | JR Akihabara (秋葉原) station, JR Okachimachi (御徒町) station, or Tokyo Metro Suehirocho (末広町) station |
Sponsorship | JVC Thai Volunteer Team, P-nong Learning Center (PLC) |
How to register | Please send e-mail to Shimoda (arita@ngo-jvc.net) with your name and address. |